Every issue of the journal is preserved in printed form and securely stored under the supervision of the Office of the Chief Editor. Additionally, an electronic version is maintained on a computer and a hard disk drive in the Chief Editor's office. The electronic versions of all published issues are accessible on the journal's website. Every issue of the journal is abstracted by CABI (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau of International) since its inception i.e., first volume (2015) and full issue has been sent to CABI for the purpose of abstracting.All issues are included in the CABI database. Furthermore, all volumes from 2015 to the present are available in the Index Copernicus International (ICI) database, accessible through the "Passport of International Journal of Minor Fruits, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants" site.
To enhance visibility, all full-length papers from every issue are submitted to various indexing bodies, including EBSCO Publishing, Inc., USA (from 2021 onwards), Indian Citation Index (from 2015 onwards), J-Gate (from 2021 onwards), CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service, from 2021), and IJIFACTOR (from 2021).
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